The Hissy Pedestrian

What do you do when your both stupid and uncoordinated. You find a sport that's can't beat walking. It's good for you and it always gives you something to gripe about. I shall share with all of you my adventures walking around my favorite city.

Monday, February 4, 2013

27 years.......

Happy Birthday to ME :D. I figure there is no better way to celebrate than creating a new blog that I probably won't keep up with. However, why wouldn't I?

For one thing, my partner of over a year has joined the military. Yes, I am male, yes, I love men, yes my partner is male......makes things a little complicated. Currently, he has passed basic training and I'm going to see him in the great state of South Carolina. The only state where they feel it is necessary to remind America how backwards they are by displaying the Confederate flag at the state capital. There's no place like home....Currently, my Ork (nickname) is asked for my hand in marriage in state where it's illegal (an punishable with 9 months in prison....not interested).

I'm from the People's Republic of Madison where you can be gay, green and happy. There is no happier place on Earth in my humble opinion (other than Marquette maybe). I am...slightly obsessed with the people and the culture there. Madison is emerging as a first rate city and with that,there are some growing pains coming along the way. I'm rather excited to ride these out.

If you haven't noticed, my favorite activity in the world is simple....walking. I walk everywhere. I plan on picking up the habit and walking 6 miles home from work everyday and I plan on blogging about it. Walking....makes for a happy a mo. My mother an partner hate that I walk around the city like it's some sort of magical playground. I can't help it gives me such joy to walk around a great city like Madison.

Well, time to celebrate my birthday in style.

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